In Part One we established that loneliness is not only a universal feeling, but it’s also a trigger for possible recurrence of compulsive sexual behavior and romantic fantasy. Let’s consider some safe, productive ways to work with loneliness . . .
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All The Lonely People (Part 1)
Loneliness is everywhere. It’s a form of invisible suffering, a universal part of being human. It’s also a significant trigger toward the hunt for compulsive sex and the fantasy to be rescued. “I feel so alone today.” “My life is busy but I feel hollow on the inside.” “There are a lot of people in my life, yet I feel lonely . . .
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The following suggestions provide a therapeutic direction which can establish new ways of relating to yourself and others. Here are some possible ways to give the obsessive mind something else to do . . .
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She woke up every morning thinking about her and went to bed each night ruminating about her. As much as she wanted to focus on other things, Sophie’s thoughts would return to Julie like a magnet. By the time Sophie found her way to my office, she looked depleted . . .
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Now that Lori is recognizing the themes and patterns of her deeper longings, what are the tools and strategies she might consider? . . .
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Lori arrived for therapy with tears in her eyes. “I did it again. I fell for another guy who was totally unavailable and once again convinced myself that he was the one. I don’t know if I can . . .
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